Friday 2 October 2015

Top Speed Internet Scheduled for Yuma Schools through Fiber Optic Cables

Yuma Union High School all set to undergo major internet changes which will enable present & future students to have access to fastest Internet service currently available in the State.

High Speed Internet access confirmed for Yuma Schools through Fiber Optic Cables
Recently the District confirmed that in collaboration with one of the leading Fiber Optic Cable Manufacturer & massive internet service provider of 21st century "WAN-Rack Technology" they have approved the biggest internet project for Yuma which comprises of installation of around 22 miles of Fiber Optic Cable capable of transferring around 10 gigabytes of data per second. National Center for Education Statistics revealed that
only 40% of school districts have access to highly efficient Fiber Optic Connections.

Yuma School agrees with Matt Buckley who said that introduction to such remarkable advance internet source will remove all barriers present in front of School students. Fiber cable project scheduled for January will provide highly efficient internet service to over 25 schools containing around 20 thousand students.

Buckley further said that an Internet service on Fiber is what changes the game for these students as it is highly reliable, dependable & efficient. School children’s that have the potential to find their particularly required source of information will surely add great value to their knowledge with this highly efficient internet source. Proper usage will make them achieve their targets in lesser time.

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